What We Do

DTIF evaluation process

How your proposal will be assessed

Successful applications that pass the eligibility checks will undergo remote and virtual evaluations. The remote evaluations are undertaken by panels of independent, international evaluators who assess the projects against the four selection criteria outlined below. Success in each evaluation is based on the score given to four selection criteria, as follows:

1. Strength of the disruptive technology dimension:

  • the proposal must demonstrate a strong potential to develop and deploy novel disruptive technologies in global markets while building on exiting scientific research
  • each proposal must involve collaborating on “industrial research” and/or ‘experimental development’, falling within Technology Readiness Levels 3-9
  • the risk profile of the proposal must be a justification for state support on the basis for enhancing the growth of disruptive technologies in Ireland

2. Excellence of the overall proposal and approach:

  • the proposal must have clear and relevant objectives, a credible methodology and groundbreaking objectives that are beyond state of the art
  • work packages must be deliverable within a 2 – 3-year timeframe

3. Economic impact and sustainability:

  • the proposal must demonstrate it has the potential to significantly alter business processes by creating new business models while enhancing the RD&I capacity of the enterprise partners
  • the proposal must also provide considerations that would see its commercialisation but without hindering Irelands Climate Action Plan

4. Quality and efficiency of the collaboration:

  • the proposal must appropriately assign the allocation of tasks with all participates having a valid role. This will strengthen the credibility for the partners to deliver on project goals, particularly SMEs, who must have an integral role in the project
  • the proposal must show consideration to managing risk and innovation while ensuring financial and other resources are mobilised

Note: If the required grant agreements or consortium agreements are not submitted within 12 months of the announcement of results, the grant offer will be withdrawn.